The Natchitoches Rotary Club enjoyed the first in a series of informative visits coordinated by Rotarian Arthur Welch to improve club members knowledge and awareness of area resources. Rotary President Pat Widhalm welcomed the group to the LA School for Math, Science and the Arts with an introduction about the new facilities and the special role the residential high school provides to high achieving Louisiana students. Continuing this focus, student leaders from area high schools were invited share their leadership experience and future goals with the Rotary membership. Cadet Major Joseph Dyson and 2Lt Josey Hemperley from Lakeview High School Jr. ROTC spoke of the valuable experience and leadership opportunities afforded by the military training and its effect on their personal goals. St. Mary’s High School Student Body President, Mary Katherine Horton, addressed the personal leadership growth and reward of helping others achieve their goals. The final student leader, Neel Reddy, SGO President at LSMSA, credited his leadership growth with a combination of student government experience along with his role as a point guard on basketball team. All students echoed the common theme of “Service Above Self” which is the Rotary motto. Following questions about future college plans, the Rotary members gave the student group a round of applause.