
Student Leaders

The Natchitoches Rotary Club enjoyed the first in a series of informative visits coordinated by Rotarian Arthur Welch to improve club members knowledge and awareness of area resources. Rotary President Pat Widhalm welcomed the group to the LA School for Math, Science and the Arts with an introduction about the new facilities and the special role the residential high school provides to high achieving Louisiana students. Continuing this focus, student leaders from area high schools were invited share their leadership experience and future goals with the Rotary membership. Cadet Major Joseph Dyson and 2Lt Josey Hemperley from Lakeview High School Jr. ROTC spoke of the valuable experience and leadership opportunities afforded by the military training and its effect on their personal goals. St. Mary’s High School Student Body President, Mary Katherine Horton, addressed the personal leadership growth and reward of helping others achieve their goals. The final student leader, Neel Reddy, SGO President at LSMSA, credited his leadership growth with a combination of student government experience along with his role as a point guard on basketball team. All students echoed the common theme of “Service Above Self” which is the Rotary motto. Following questions about future college plans, the Rotary members gave the student group a round of applause.

Student Leaders
Pictured from left to right are Neel Reddy, Rotarian Dr. Pat Widhalm, Mary Katherine Horton, Joseph Dyson, Rotarian Arthur Welch, Josey Hemperley, and Major Bob Kellogg.

Rotary White Out

The Natchitoches Rotary Club, dressed in white shirts in support of the Demon White-Out kickoff game, were treated to a double program with Adam Jonson, Assoc. AD of External Affairs, leading off with an overview of the promotional events scheduled for the year.

Next, Rotarian NSU President Randy Webb, provided parting remarks on his tenure at NSU as well as personal remarks on the many friends who have made his and Brenda’s years here so special. He called on everyone to continue to support NSU and stressed the importance of the current scholarship efforts by the NSU Foundation.

Pictured from left to right are the Rotarian with the program, Jimmy Berry; Rotarian LTC Macky Underwood; Rotarian Dr. Randy Webb and Adam Jonson.
Pictured from left to right are the Rotarian with the program, Jimmy Berry; Rotarian LTC Macky Underwood; Rotarian Dr. Randy Webb and Adam Jonson.

Superintendent of Natchitoches Schools

When Jessie Dale Skinner spoke to the Rotary Club, two things were obvious. First, he wants students to reach their maximum potential and wants to provide the tools they need to do so.  Second, he will hold everyone in the system accountable, including himself, toward achieving that goal.

Skinner’s philosophy is simple. He surrounds himself with good people and holds the accountable. Skinner spends most of his time dealing with people. “And that is a full-time job. I deal with problems all the time. Honestly, I’m not a computer or technology whiz. I’m a people person.”

The district is moving ahead to implement Common Core, a program that is not nearly as bad as some make it out to be. “It’s about standards.” We’re way ahead of the state. Felicia Pinkney added that Common Core was about standards and not accepting a mediocre attitude. “We need students to be able to compete. We needed a change and a more rigorous curriculum. We’re raising the bar for our kids.”

Skinner continues to be challenged with finding enough qualified teachers since NSU and other universities have a declining number of education graduates. Most new hires have general studies or technology degrees and many are on-line graduates. New hires require extensive professional development since they are not education majors.

Skinner doesn’t appear to be troubled by the politics of the school system. “I can deal with anyone who’s honest. I don’t worry about people who get upset with I haven’t done anything wrong.”

Rotarian Louie Bernard, Rotarian with the program, introduced Supt. of Schools Jessie Dale Skinner and Supervisor Felicia Pinkney to the Club. From left are Rotarians and school board members Tommy Melder, George Rhymes, Pinkney, Skinner and Bernard
Rotarian Louie Bernard, Rotarian with the program, introduced Supt. of Schools Jessie Dale Skinner and Supervisor Felicia Pinkney to the Club. From left are Rotarians and school board members Tommy Melder, George Rhymes, Pinkney, Skinner and Bernard

Student Exchange

The Natchitoches Rotary Club participated in a high school exchange this year.  Victor Borrego, for Colmenar Veigo, Spain will spend the academic year as a sophomore at Natchitoches Central High School. In addition to learning about American life and culture, he is interested in baseball. Rotarian Merlin Squyres and his wife Mary are providing his host home for the fall semester.  Joe Thorpe, from Natchitoches, will live and study in Alicante, Spain and will attend a special college preparatory school.  Both young men spoke briefly and the thanked the club for making the exchange possible.

Student exchange
From left are Rotary President D. Pat Widhalm, Victor Borrego, Joe Thorpe, and Rotarian Merlin Squyers

Support Fort Polk

Jon Grafton, Executive Director of the England Airpark, shared the Fort Polk Progress Committee message with the Natchitoches Rotary Club concerning the
Army’s proposal to reduce troops at Fort Polk. He cited the key role of Fort Polk in readiness training, the low cost and versatility of operations,
as well as the economic impact to the region. He closed his presentation with a call for everyone to demonstrate their support for Ft. Polk by going
online to , select the box “Save Fort Polk”, and sign the petition. He emphasized that feedback during this limited public response period can make a difference.


Rotary 081214
Pictured front left to right are Rotarian Tommy Melder, David Broussard,
Jr., Airpark Development Manager, Jon Grafton, and Rotarian Henry Kinburger.

The River Community Church

Pastor Ellis and Melinda Newman provided the Natchitoches Rotary Club with
information about The River Community Church team as well as local and state
ministries. Melinda Ellis addressed the international outreach and provided
a video of recent mission trips including information on the Samaria Mission
Children’s Home located outside of Chennai, India, were they currently house
over 40 orphaned or uncared-for children. It is the goal of Samaria Mission
to create a Godly environment for the children to grow, learn, and be loved.
Samaria is run completely on the support of generous givers. If you would
like more information about the church ministries or how to sponsor a child
please contact The River Community Church at 238-3444 or go online to


Rotary 8/12/14
Pictured from left to right are the Rotarian with the Program, Mark Begnaud,
Melinda Newman, and Rev. Ellis

CASA Update

Jack Duty, Executive Director of CASA of Central LA, explained the important role of the volunteer Court Appointed Special Advocates in monitoring the welfare of abused or neglected children removed from their homes by court order. He provided the Natchitoches Rotary Club with an overview of the scope of the problem and how CASA volunteers make a difference. To become a volunteer, one must complete an application and a background check as well as 32 hours of course training. Once sworn by a judge and appointed to your first case, a volunteer supervisor will assist you in the process of advocating for an abused and neglected child. Following questions, Jack Duty stressed the need for more volunteers and also pointed out that the time requirements average about 10 hours a month which includes one face-to-face visit and collecting information to support the child’s best interest. For more information go to or call 318.238.2446.

Pictured front left to right are Rotarian David Zolzer, Jack Duty, and the Rotarian with the program; David Young.



Louisiana/NSU Folklife Festival

Dr. Shane Rasmussen, Director of the Louisiana Folklife Center at NSU, bought to the Rotary club a high level of excitement as he introduced the unique collection of talent scheduled for the upcoming Natchitoches/NSU Folk Festival on July 18-19. This year’s festival theme is Tri-Centennial Natchitoches: Celebrating Louisiana’s Folk Heritage, and will be hosted at the air-conditioned Prather Coliseum. The weekend is packed with music, history, foods, crafts, singing, dance, and games as well as special activities for Kid Fest Saturday. The music offerings include a wide range of celebrated Louisiana sounds along with the Annual Louisiana State Fiddle Championship which will be held in Magale Recital Hall from 1-4 p.m. Saturday. He closed with a special invitation for all to “come share our culture.”  Pictured from left to right are Rotary member Hurst Hall, Dr. Shane Rasmussen and Rotary President Dr. Pat Widhalm.

Folklife Festival
Hurst Hall, Shane Rasmussen and Pat Widhalm

Secretary of State Tom Schedler

LA Secretary of State, Tom Schedler, provided the Natchitoches Rotary Club with an overview of the wide scope of his office and detailed his work to streamline and update the processes of elections and voting; business services; notary and certification; and management of historic resources to provide an effective experience for taxpayers.

He cited with pride the recognition LA has received in recent years as a leader and model for the 24/7 services provided by his office as well as the high-tech plans for the future.  Secretary Schedler closed with comments on the important work his office does in supporting military voting rights and a new program  “The Honor Vets…Vote”. (For more information go to

Following a round of applause by the club members, Rotary President Dr. Pat Widhalm presented the Secretary with a Natchitoches Club banner to take back to his home Rotary Club.


Pictured from left to right are Rotarian with the program NRMC CEO Kirk Soileau, LA Secretary of State Tom Schedler, Natchitoches Registrar of Voters Debbie Waskom, and Rotarian Clerk of Court Louie Bernard.
Pictured from left to right are Rotarian with the program NRMC CEO Kirk Soileau, LA Secretary of State Tom Schedler, Natchitoches Registrar of Voters Debbie Waskom, and Rotarian Clerk of Court Louie Bernard.
 Rotary President Dr. Pat Widhalm presented the Secretary with a Natchitoches Club banner to take back to his home Rotary Club.
Rotary President Dr. Pat Widhalm presented the Secretary with a Natchitoches Club banner to take back to his home Rotary Club.

End of Year Meeting

The Natchitoches Rotary Club welcomed District Governor Pamela Stewart to a special meeting honoring Josh Manuel,  the out-going club president.  Governor Stewart presented the Club with the Presidential Citation Award and commended Josh and the membership for  a highly successful year.   Josh closed with a  special thank you to his family and the members for their support throughout the year. In-coming Rotary Club President, Dr. Pat Widhalm, is shown presenting the traditional gavel plaque to President Manuel  with thanks for his  service to the club and the community.   Following his swearing-in, Dr. Pat Widhalm was presented the club gavel by Josh Manuel  as he turned over the meeting to the new president.  During closing remarks by President Widhalm, he named Kendal Perkins as President–Elect for the coming year.


Dr. Pat Widhalm, is shown presenting the traditional gavel plaque to President Manuel
Governor Stewart presented the Club with the Presidential Citation Award